We suggest a face to face meeting so you can see the demo. We can meet you at your home, business or any place of your choice. However, if you just need some basic questions answered you can phone us at 330-416-1086.

There are three costs to consider, First, the cost for a domain name is $15-$20 / year. Second, the cost for hosting is between $5-$10 / month, usually billed annually. Finally, we charge $40 / hour for training. Most clients will need 2-4 hours of training.

The product we train you on is called 'Mobirise'. Here's some basic information:

* Mobirise is free shareware. They make money by selling add-on features. Most clients will not need the add-on features.

* Over 50% of visits to the internet come from mobile devices (cell phones or tablet's). Mobirise stand for 'Mobi - Mobile' and 'Rise - Rising' Mobirise sites look great on cell phones, tablets, laptops and desktop PC's.

* Mobirise is much simpler to use than popular do-it-yourself tools like Wordpress or Wix. It's more of a word processor (like Microsoft Word). To learn more, visit the Mobirise web site by clicking this link -> Mobirise Site.

Yes. However, you will spend much more time. We charge $40/hour for training and you will need between 2-4 hours. To train yourself will require between 20-40 hours. Here are some links you could use for self-training.

1 - For domain registration and hosting we recommend Bluehost -> www.bluehost.com

2 - The website builder/editor software is Mobirise. Download it at -> www.mobirise.com

3 - For an online Mobirise Beginner's Guide, click this link -> Beginners Guide

4 - For the Mobirise Help Center (Advanced topics) click -> Mobirise Help Center

The overall time required is about 3-5 hours. Your site can be up and running after a single visit. We recommend spreading the time over two days.


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